scribbles, revelations, and rants

My sound-off board. For anyone that may care enough to read, and if nobody does, then I'm cool with it. Mindy Kaling stole my ideal idea.

Thursday, October 11, 2001

i just love october 11th. :)

Tuesday, October 09, 2001

YAY/BOO list #2:

YAY to: the miniature stapler i keep tucked away within the depths of my classy nine west purse, one of the many little knick-knacks i like to carry around and think to be useful
BOO to: being messy with these particular knick-knacks and who-daddys, losing most of them, or eventually becoming forgotten

YAY to: changing weather. cold cold here i come.
BOO to: weather-bitten ears, numb fingertips and having to play tennis in the cold

YAY to: my average of 100 in college english
BOO to: nothing. i love the class, i love mrs. brennan, i love everything...but i still wish i was taking ap

YAY to: fuzzy-soft sweaters that positively clothe you in warmth. all you other sweater-lovers know what i mean.
BOO to: not being able to wear semi-lowcut shirts for the next five months or so. heh heh...

YAY to: the words I feverishly type within the htp space of this self-proclaimed blog for all of you interested people (if there are any interested people reading this)
BOO to: its often lame, many times boring, content

tune in next week for YAY/BOO list numero tres.

(corny? i know it is. deal with it.)

Friday, October 05, 2001

well well well, what have we here? A new entry within ::appalled gasp:: 24 hours! Hoorah! ::skips happily around computer::

A lot of the old school Hanson sites are shutting down. s-a-d spells alex.

so tired and so stressed out. my mind is literally swimming in a mush of different things I have to do. My hair aches from the thought of it.


Thursday, October 04, 2001

Welcome to my first ever YAY/BOO list, something which I hope will become a weekly sort of list stuffed somewhere into my uniform sort of schedule for this self-absorbed sort of blog.

YAY to: getting a 100 on my narrative, compliments of mrs. brennan
BOO to: The Awakening's draggard ramblings and incessant repititions towards the end of the novel.

YAY to: the girls' tennis chance of making the playoffs.
BOO to: waterhouse's sporadic pms-esque mood swings

YAY to: me doing the announcements each morning
BOO to: me messing up and saying the wrong things on the announcements each morning

YAY to: tomorrow's pep rally after school
BOO to: the school's overall underappreciation for girls' tennis. or all tennis, for that matter.

YAY to: the full moon out the other night, which illuminated the night sky in a pale orange shimmer so pretty it made my breath fail
BOO to the moon that's out tonight, scarce-looking and meak compared to two evenings ago

YAY to: George coming home for a week in a week and two days
BOO to: the pang I get in my stomach whenever I go to waldbaums and realize that no, he's not working at that moment

YAY to: new crushes and new flirtations
BOO to: seeing a friend unabashedly flirt with your new crush right in front of you.

YAY to: my blog. I really love this thing.
BOO to: my scanty entries that yield far apart from eachother. what can i say? i'm busy...