i failed to mention that i went and saw a psychic in atlantic city, just for shits and giggles. for the most part, a lot of the stuff she told me was true. freakishly true. here were my predictions:
About the person that I am:
1. "You are very independant. You don't like to depend on anybody." yessiree bob. Hence why I'm going away to college.
2. "You speak what's on your mind." mmhmm...
3. "You want to travel around a lot when you get older."paris, florence, athens, sydney..maybe even jerusalem if one day i feel like risking my life. i want it all...
Things she predicted about my future:
1. You will live till your late nineties, get married in your mid-twenties, and have three children." a fairly good prediction, I must say. for the most part, i'll take it. the only thing i'm not too keen on is living till i'm nearly a hundred. if that means that my husband will die before me, then no thank you. i honestly dont think i could emotionally handle that.
2. "You will pursue a career somewhere in the medical or social work field. maybe even psychology. whatever you will do, it will involve helping people." i nearly died when she said this. she hit it right on.
3. "You will be famous one day. I don't know how, or for what, but one day...people will know you and your name." bahahahahaha. i haven't the slightest what she's talking about, but if she's correct in the least, i think she would be referring to Gyspy. the odds of becoming famous for anything else are ridiculously impossible.
4. You were seeing someone, but you aren't anymore. don't stress because he's no good for you and you can do much better than him. a new interest, someone better, will come along very very soon. The "bad" guy she's talking about is obviously t____ since he's the only guy i've "seen" recently. and at first i doubted anyone new *would* come along because all psychics tell you that you're going to meet someone better in the near future, but now...she's kinda...right :)
Questions I should have asked the psychic but I was too flustered to think of:
1. will I ever publish a novel or anything that i've written?
2. how will i decide on which college to go to and is it going to be the one i'm rooting for right now?..which would be ithaca, for those who don't know
3. When I die, will it be because of some chronic foot fungus that spread throughout my entire body, turning me a sickly color green and making the whites of my eyes turn yellow? ...ok, so i really wouldn't ask this. i just needed something to write for question number three :)
Georgie came home the other day and I'm seeing him today! I'm seeing George today! I'm seeing George today! ::dances around blogger::
i'm sitting here in a towel writing this because i just got out of the shower, and it just dawned on me that I have work in an hour...
but before I go...once more for good measure...
I'm seeing George today! :)
scribbles, revelations, and rants
My sound-off board. For anyone that may care enough to read, and if nobody does, then I'm cool with it. Mindy Kaling stole my ideal idea.
Monday, February 25, 2002
Sunday, February 24, 2002
mad at blogger, yes i am. i typed yesterday for almost an hour and a half on one entry about how amazing this vacation has been for me, and turned out the stupid server was down, therefore, it wouldnt let me post. *growls*
Saturday, February 23, 2002
now that its morning and i'm in a particularly good mood i think it is time to write about how amazing my vacation has been. ill start from the beginning with:
The Semi-Annual Vinci/Manfredi Family Three-Day Getaway to Atlantic City NJ
...which we take every february and then once again in august.
Sunday, Day One: The car ride there was a lovely three hours indeed. like tradition, we all sang along to the "atlantic city mix tape", the same tape i've been listening to in my aunt carol's car since i was seven years old. the sound is fading now from being played so many times and to make matters worse, the tape is made up of old fifties' and sixties' songs whose quality wasn't quite good in the first place. made mental note to get tape re-taped onto another tape before it breaks or becomes permanently ruined and the tradition is broken.
Arrived very nicely. had a very nice lunch. took a stroll on down to ocean one. very very disappointing. sam goody didn't have the cd i wanted to get and the book shop didn't have any books of raymond carver short stories. that was the first time i left that mall empty-handed and i was not a happy camper.
went to dinner at fortunes. they have some of the best chinese food ive ever tasted. had my traditional dinner which i always order when we go - hunan shrimp - but the best part are their fortune cookies, which are drizzled with white and milk chocolate. tried on a gorgeous gown at cache. and do i mean gorgeous. no, gorgeous isn't even the word. exquisite is pretty much the best word to describe it. it was an ivory white color strapless that flared out into a big ball on the bottom, but the top part was fitted. it had this net-ish sort of layer over it with silver rhinestones and little dainty flowers on it. my god. perfect for prom, if only it wasn't a whopping $438.99.
got back into the hotel room and ordered a movie: riding in cars with boys. very cute indeed. have i ever mentioned how much i love drew barrymore? well, i love drew barrymore. i think she's just *so* darn cool. and the beautiful boy from coyote ugly plays her son, which was an added plus and a pleasant surprise.
the vagina monologues was on hbo after the movie was finished. i watched a part of it. very interesting indeed. i think i might even would like to go see the actual show in the city.
Monday, Day Two: the second day of being in atlantic city is always my favorite day. I guess because its the one day where we're not travelling to or from home, so we can just wake up and do whatever we want. for breakfast, we had room service. lunch wasn't anything because i was so stuffed. i treked back into ocean one to find something to buy because i just had to. settled for two books - sex and the city and les miserables - and a measly old school janet jackson album which ive been meaning to buy, but haven't had an excuse to yet. went to the beach with my headphones and sat on the sand reading les miz. listening to abbey road. for about an hour and a half. so far, it's a pretty amazing book. but its 1500 pages and i'm only one pg 85 so i still have a long way to go indeed. i just had to buy sex and the city. as trashy as the show is, i think its just as brilliant. and hilarious. reading the actual novel for which the show is based on wil be my treat after i'm done with les miz, a fun, easy read after i'm done lugging through a 1500 page saga that looks more like a tombstone than an actual book.
and let me just say that golden slumbers and the end are even more amazing to listen to when you're on the beach, watching the waves roll in and the sun beating down on you in such a way that you feel like someone coated you in warm maple syrup.
to quote the perks of being a wallflower, "i felt infinite." i really did.
DanceSing was later on that night, a cute little show that we went to see, almost like a musical except with no plot, just dancing and singing. it was like a musical timeline - they started off in the twenties with the charleston, went all the way through to the sixties with aquarius to the eighties with old school micheal jackson and finished with the nineties with pathetic novelty songs like mambo no. 5 and livin' la vida loca. all in all, the show was cute and well put-together and was enjoyed by all.
people can amaze me sometimes. how incompassionate and indifferent they can be. it really came out while we were walking from our seats back to the lobby to get into the elevators. watching my grandma fall and seeing no one even try to help her still amazes me when i think about it. i felt like i had a hole in my chest when i saw her laying there and no one even caring.
i dont regret the way I reacted. i dont regret the way i shoved people out of the way. i dont even regret taking that lady by surprise, and the "fuck you" i spat in her face.
...is that bad of me?
the next morning we drove home. nothing interesting.
The next night was 42nd Street for Marianna's bday. I short, I had the most amazing time. The best part was the ride into the city in the limo, especially when we finally got there and we were sticking our heads out of the sky roof. the show was incredible. the plot was dumb, but the dancing was unbelieveable. i've never seen tap dancing like that in my life. it made me wish i had stuck with dance instead of dropping it when i moved here. the main chjaracter, though, kind of reminded me of my character, Louise, in Gypsy: the sort of awkward, fumbling klutz turned into the glittering, shining star at the end. another cinderella-esque sort of deals.
i can't wait for august.
Friday, February 22, 2002
Thursday, February 21, 2002
melissa has "moulin rouge" listed as one of her hobbies in her profile. i knew i was friends with that girl for a reason.
hehe j/k love you mime xo
i'm home. at my computer. which actually works. it feels so good to type. which i will do plenty of tomorrow when i have the energy to tell you about the last five days.
Friday, February 15, 2002
i am sam was absolutely stunning. i'm still trembling.
george informed me today that he's going to bulgaria for two weeks or so come summer vacation. of all the countries in the world, he chooses bulgaria, which oggles me to some extent, but nevertheless if it goes through, i'm ecstatic for him. visiting another country is something i can only dream about till i go to college, where i'm hoping to study abroad for at least one semester. i don't care if i have to pay for it myself; i want to do it so badly it aches. somewhere like london because i don't speak italian or french, unfortunately.
that's another thing i want to accomplish in college: i want to take up another language. i'm sick to death of spanish. even though i didn't take it this year, i still speak it pretty often, what with working with three el salvadorian guys. i feel like slapping myself across the face when i think of how i could've taken french, the mother of all the romantic languages. or latin, perhaps, if only our school offered it.
to me, language has such an importance, which many cannot fully fathom. nor can many appreciate to its fullest extent. words are miracles in themselves. they are the patchwork that binds us together, the thread that allows us all to be interwoven. and our understanding is the glue.
so why did i stop taking spanish? easy. i was bored. bored to death of learning and reviewing and relearning the same verb tenses and same vocabulary words year after year. the magic was gone. i had no motivation anymore, something i didn't think would ever happen to me in a class i enjoyed.
which is why i want to take up another language in college. only a whole different one. so i can feel that same awe i once felt at learning new ways to say even the simplest phrases, at being able to hold a conversation in a language different than my own. i want to explore, and even more, i want to enjoy it again.
language. it is a boundless continent, and i am forever digging.
Thursday, February 14, 2002
Tuesday, February 12, 2002
i just came back from the mall a couple of hours ago and i bought the most amazing shirt. its one of those peasant-style white ones with the thin, crinkly material thats loose in some parts and form-fitting in others. The sleeves bell out in an almost wing-like fashion making moving my arms in them while i walk almost...fun. the front of the shirt is covered with a picture of a bright blue flower and there are some sparkles on the top to make it stand out more. its tight and sewn together to fit down by my waist but loose and loopy around the collar.
and i got this belt, too ina velvety brown material. its one of those loose cloth-y ones that aren't backed by a fake leather backing and in order to fasten it around yourself, you have to tie the fringy ends together. the best part is that the fringe is long and they trail along down the side of your leg as they hang.
ouch. i am a total trendoid :X
what is annoying me oh so much right now: how much promo crossroads is making. come on. mtv *knows* they're gonna make a ton of money on it now that little ms. turbo slut is the star herself, so why all the hype? it would do well even if it was about three friends who watched grass grow all the live long day and practiced tying knots in their shoelaces whenever they grew bored with that, as sad and pathetic as that may sound. so please, mtv, don't torture the rest of the world here who actually have brains. and good musical taste.
Alex's current expensesfor the month of February:
- Atlantic City: need mula for entertainment. shopping. and the lovely little bookstore thats a mere stroll down from the hotel. Roughly 30 dollars
- billy joel and elton john tickets: anywhere from $50-$90
-marianna's birthday trip to nyc- $70 dollars, plus the cost of dinner and emergency money (add in another thirty for that): $100 dollars total
-don't forget a small gift for her as well. and a card: $15 dollars
-money i owe to student counsil for the senior sports night shirt: $10 dollars
-the upcoming phone bill thats bound to land in my mailbox any day now: $47. 54
Total amount of money Alex currently owns in her name: $22 dollars.
*long exhale*
Sunday, February 10, 2002
Saturday, February 09, 2002

Go Faeries!!
Take the What Faery Are You? Quiz!
This quiz was made by lia

Take the Which Breakfast Food Are You? Quiz.
![]() I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble. What Video Game Character Are You? |

Which British Band Are You?
im in one of those moods where i dont know what i feel. stressed/depressed at the idea of prom, excited for the play, sad about graduating in five months or just...normal. there's so much swimming through my head right now, i don't know what is what or which is which and i can't make out any emotion from the next. i'm just...numb. but i want to feel. i do. i want to be happy about the play and feel it. I want to be sad about graduation and feel that, too. prom is a different story. i certainly can live without prom right now. i dont want to go through it all over again: the stress of finding a date and scrounging up the money to cover everything. then theres the afterprom mess about who wants to do what and go where.
i want to have a good time at this year's prom. i want to go with someone who i will enjoy. not someone random who ill with just for the sake of going with someone or because i was running out of time. i want my prom to be the sort of "magical" night that it should be. i want to dance underneath the stars and gaze into my date's eyes and just feel...really, truly happy. as corny and as cheeseball and as high school as that sounds.
but at the same time, i realize that prom isn't really like what its depicted in the movies. Thank you, She's All That and Never Been Kissed. there's no "magic" in it unless you're with someone that you *wanted* to go with. its not, contrary to popular belief, the best night of our high school careers. its but a mere dance that's been buried in tradition and false definitions and promises to make it look nicer, to make the whole package more appealing.
i do want the prom thats in the movies for myself. really, i do. with every fiber of my being i want that. but i'm not going to get it and thats the reality i have to face. life does go on after prom, no matter how much people are buzzing about it or talking about it or whatnot. there are things so much bigger and so much more important in life.
but who am i kidding. i just wish i had a boyfriend so all of this could be made so much easier.
Tuesday, February 05, 2002
I'm a Wind Spiriti
oh where oh where has my jerry gone? i miss him.
Monday, February 04, 2002
so who else had an anti-superbowl superbowl sunday last night?
Why my life sucks:
- tonight was the play's first rehearsal. i learned the music for the first time and sang it for the first time. i. sounded. horrible. and to make things worse, mr. f_____ isnt the friendliest person i can think of off the top of my head. will be a joy to work with him for the next five weeks, ill bet...
- for the seventeenth year in a row, i will be valentine-less come february fourteenth
- i'm behind on ap bio reading and i have no time to do it
- play? what play? lines? what lines? i haven't memorized anything as of yet...
That's right, kids, its uplifting self-encouragement time:
- ok so it was my first music rehearsal ever. of course im not gonna know the music as well as i would had i seen the movie or heard the music beforehand...
- from mima's journal: "im leaving for college in six months. theres no need to get involved." right on, sistah.
- we're not getting tested on the ap bio reading. quizzed, yes. tested, no. and its third quarter. grades stopped counting last week.
- you still have five weeks, alex. breathe in, breathe out.
after reading tonight's assigned Beloved pages, I've gained a new respect for it. its one of those books where the hardest part is getting through the first fifty pages or so, and then from then on, its smooth sailing. Lord of The Flies and even The Bluest Eye were like that. i shall prevail over mrs. brennan's threatening english syllabus once and for all, just like i always manage.
oy vey. i forgot about the scholarship essay i had to write tonight.
*cue dreary, doomy music* and so the panic returns...
Sunday, February 03, 2002
so i saw the mandy moore movie. yes, you know. that one. and i must admit, it wasn't as bad as i thought. she's still the most annoying celebrity i can think of off of the top of my head and i still find her sugary-sweet, girl-next-door, i-dont-kiss-on-the-first-date persona the most annoying thing since nsync, but the movie itself was almost halfway decent.
i'm not going to even get into the idiots that were sitting next to us in fear that i might break my keyboard from pounding on it so hard in anger. if theres one thing i hate, its when people talk in a movie theatre in the middle of a movie. but these girls didnt just talk. no no no. they squealed. shreiked. giggled. clapped. they apparently all had some kind of thing for shane west (which i dont really blame them for) and i bet i would've liked the movie a lot more if we hadn't been sitting next to them.
Verdict?: A Walk to Remember is one of those flicks that you go to see if you're in an unusually sappy mood where stereotypical teenage personalities and acting so mediocre its almost bad combine for two hours of silly teenage fluff.
I do have one confession, though: shane west's character, though he started out as your everyday typical popular, bad ass, rebel-without-a-cause lead teen male, became increasingly sweet as the movie went along. too bad boys who do things that sweet for their girlfriends dont exist, and if they do, they're some kind of freaks of nature whose chances of your actually meeting one are one in fifty-six billion. oy vey. i need to find me a landon carter.
I'm disappointed. I didn't think Beloved would be such a difficult read...and such a draggard one at that.
Saturday, February 02, 2002
Friday, February 01, 2002
one more thing: i've just returned from my basement to see what my dad was up to with his friends and - christ almighty - there's actually a hot guy down there. like, a young hot guy. early to mid twenties. in my basement. playing guitar with my dad. a stratacaster, beige with reddish trim along the outlines. he's got shaggy wavy hair and nice honest eyes.
i'm gonna go bring my dad a glass of water....

Carbonated Beverage Are You?

*Take This Test!*

Take The Mu$ic Biz Whore Test

Take The Confession Test!
your confession has been heard, you are absolved of your sins.
your sacrament of reconciliation is: 10 'hail mary's' and 15 'our father's'
hahahahahahaha. i am an online test whore.
Best driving songs ever:
dont stop believin' - journey
the lights - journey
fly away - lenny kravitz
free fallin' - tom petty
runaway run - hanson
instant karma - john lennon
losing my religion - rem
ill be - edwin mccain
elevation - u2
the way - fastball
best curl-up-on-a-cold-winter-day-and-watch-the-snow-fall songs:
love of a lifetime - firehouse
ill be - edwin mccain (again)
i could not ask for more - edwin mccain
can't help falling in love with you - elvis presley
more than anything - hanson
glycerine - bush
angel - aerosmith
sing - travis
at last - etta james
your song - elton john
piano man - billy joel
she's always a woman - billy joel
in my life - the beatles
you've got a way - shania twain
bittersweet symphony - the verve pipe
breathing - lifehouse
its late and my eyes are getting itchy.