What's Your Style? Find out @ She's Crafty
scribbles, revelations, and rants
My sound-off board. For anyone that may care enough to read, and if nobody does, then I'm cool with it. Mindy Kaling stole my ideal idea.
Wednesday, March 27, 2002
Sunday, March 24, 2002
Indeed my friend, all good things do come to an end: Our last show was last night. I teared up at my final bow during curtain calls. And theres no need to go into details except that it was amazing in every sense of the word. the only unfortunate thing was that the cast got split into two groups afterwards. but none the less it was amazing amazing amazing. i love everyone so much right now.
and eric, i am so proud.
i woke up in the middle of the night with a horrible sore throat. and my stereo is blaring out some stupid song from the princess diaries soundtrack. must...change...now..
"why do you close your eyes so tight
when you're kissing him good night
do you make believe a face
just to try to fill the space
wake up
and tell me its alright
wake up
cuz i just wanna hold you tight
wake up
don't you ever wonder what you're looking for
dont you ever wonder who you're looking for
cuz you don't have me."
Thursday, March 21, 2002
Icky/Funny Occurence of the Day: dictionary.com's word of the day is: logorrhea. Heyyy you know what that sounds like...
eric has updated his blog, ladies and gentlemen. a miracle has indeed occured in plainedge.
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
im sitting here, blubbering like an idiot after reading melissa's journal entries. tomorrow is our last "rehearsal" before our last two shows and i don't know what i'm going to do! i honestly dont! it will very well be the last time i can eat doughnuts on stage and watch make corinne make a fool out of herself (wait, nevermind, she does that all the time...) or sneak off somewhere with eric to talk.
melissa is so right. for everyone not involved with gypsy, i feel so bad for you. you missed out on fun that i never dreamed i'd be able to have in school. i...its still hard for me to grasp at times.
i'm going to LIVE it up this weekend and friday and saturday night will be two of the most amazing nights of my senior year.
and mimes ...i love you too :)
Tuesday, March 19, 2002
scary boy from work last sunday came back tonight and started talking to me while leaning very eerily over the counter top and wiggling his eyebrows. eegods.
Rule numero uno when coming onto a waitress in a restaurant: Never ever tell them they should work at Hooters. which is what SlimeBoy did exactly.
as the days go on by, the closer to the end of the play we get. i'm going to cry buckets. literally. i don't even think anyone understands just how much this play means to me. its allowed me to do something i've wanted to do for such a long time, and that is to perform in front of people and be in front of an audience. its something that i never had the guts or the confidence to do before, and i'm so glad that i stirred up the courage to go to the auditions instead of chickening out and staying home again for the third year in a row.
i feel like i belong with this play. its a family, it really is. except for a few exceptions, everyone in the cast is generally close. two of the three stage managers happen to be two of my closest friends. grace plays my sister. vanessa, one of the most unique people i've ever met plays my mother, and will, the nicest, gentlest person i think i've ever met plays opposite her. and i have eric in the pit to support me, too.
i feel like i belong at certain times. like when i'm with my friends just goofing off on the weekends. or when i'm spending quality time with my grandparents. or goofing off with the guys at work. or during tennis season. and especially now with gypsy. for the past two months, that stage, that auditorium has been my home and i have no cause for complaint. all the hard work, lost hours of sleep, and slipping grades were all worth it just for that one moment during curtain calls when i take my bow and the audience cheers.
performing is such an unbelievable rush.
that, and feeling like you belong, like you're truly at home, are arguably two of the nicest feelings in the world.
Monday, March 18, 2002
the white roses (my favorite flower EVER) my aunt got me for the play are beginning to grow brown and wilt, and they look so beautiful and so tragic at the same time.
that is all.
from jerry's rants:
speaking of alex, i never heard her sing before until the opening night of the play. i assumed she had a great voice and all, but i don't think anything could have prepared me for when i heard her sing little lamb. it was amazingly unforgettable. her voice is so sweet, gentle, and beautiful, which defintely reflects the kind of person alex is. while listening to her sing little lamb, i just couldn't stop myself from utterly feeling the song. every note she sang, every word that came out of her mouth was just beautiful. and it really got me all "emotional" and "sensitive." and right then and there, alex just sold me the entire play. i was hooked and i knew that no matter if something went wrong later in the play, i'll always remember the play for her singing little lamb.
jerry, i cant think of anything to say to that other than i love you :)
and mime, don't be sad that brennan was a monsoon this morning. and don't worry about her giving random tests, either. hehe.
saturday's show was even more wonderful than friday's was. me and chris hit our dance right on. no one was off. i sang better. "if momma was married" was better. the pit played "little lamb" better. and the audience actually laughed at the funny parts of the play.
afterwards, we went to ruby tuesday's and caused the usual ruckus. I haven't laughed as much as I laughed on friday and saturday night in a long time. today there is no rehearsal and i don't know what to do with myself tonight.
and eric, i honestly dont even know what i do to deserve it, but like i said on your voicemail...thank you.
ive read from my bio textbook practically all day and words like "pulmonary" and "arteriosclerosis" and "hemolymph" keep running through my head (those are terms dealing with the circulatory system, for those of you who don't know).
TomsCow: trying to figure crap out lol
...hmph. arent we all.
Saturday, March 16, 2002
You are Alfred Lord Tennyson
You are very analytical and like to debate. You want truth and beauty. For you, it seems that every cloud has a silver lining. You believe it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Take the Which Poet are You? Quiz - brought to you out of boredom and pretention!
You are e.e. cummings
Your use of the English language is not bound to any grammatical or even logical standards. You live your life with rhythym and passion and find yourself constantly searching for meaning by traveling or in new relationships.
Take the Which Poet are You? Quiz - brought to you out of boredom and pretention!
yay i tied :)

What is your meaning of life?
i'm kinda skeptical about this one...

Which Rock Chick Are You?
hey, as long as its not sheryl crow...
Friday, March 15, 2002
tonight was opening night of the play and it was a complete success. i am so beyond happy right now.
Sunday, March 10, 2002
scariest work experience of the year: getting hit on by a guy who i couldn't tell whether he was drunk or high.
yes people, this is the kind of man i seem to attract.
Wednesday, March 06, 2002
two years ago today, i was sitting in my basement, watching mtv, and *trembling* with giddiness.
i had just spent two and a half hours in the same room..with hanson.
Tuesday, March 05, 2002
the play has taken over my life. tomorrow i will be at school nearly all day. and it isn't even tech week yet.
i. need. sleep. i need to start reading 1984 before its due back at the library. i need to finish the perks of being a wallflower and give it to eric to read. i need to start eating healthier again. i need to start up my exercise again. i need to try and get to bed before twelve tonight. i need to catch up on ap bio reading. i need to memorize all of my lines in Act II of gypsy. i need to type up the stupid thing for student council about prom. i need to start planning for prom with everyone. i need to assemble everyone together first. i need coffee. i need energy. i need someone to fill me with such stirring inspiration so i can write that brennan paper in ten minutes flat, parenthetical citations and all, and i can hurry off to bed and actually get more than five measly hours of sleep tonight.
but most of all, i need to stop wasting time in this silly little blog and write that paper.
i want to write something wonderful.
Sunday, March 03, 2002
from jerry's rants:
"there will be a time when i'll see you again and when i do
there is a place that i'd like to take you, and when we're
there, i know you'll understand why my heart still beats.
this feeling of bliss leads me around in circles and
this endless cycle pains me over and over again, but in
this, i find myself wanting to be nowhere else.
because of you
and for all it's worth,
there is something you should know.
this is where i tell you that i love you --
- JY
jerry, you are one of the most incredible people i know. i love you. i really do.
i'm in a weird, skittish mood. i'm listening to the eagles and im crying and i dont know why. i have nights like this every once in a while. tomorrow i will be fine. before i go to bed, im going to read more of the perks of being a wallflower but that will probably make me cry even more.
i had fettucine alfredo for dinner at work and i feel sick to my stomach.