laying in bed last night while listening to the new cd and drifting off to sleep, i fell slowly and steadily back in love with Them.
Next time:
-Underneath Acoustic Part 2. yes, i found more stuff to blabber on about. with hanson, i'm always finding more stuff.
-The new Jonny album. in all its glory.
-The new Clay Aiken.
-The new Maroon 5.
and more random college happenings.
scribbles, revelations, and rants
My sound-off board. For anyone that may care enough to read, and if nobody does, then I'm cool with it. Mindy Kaling stole my ideal idea.
Monday, October 27, 2003
so i got the new hanson acoustic "preview cd" today.
would it be a crime to say that i don't love it? :X
its probably due to the fact that i hate acoustic versions of songs. well, thats not entirely true. i hate acoustic versions of most songs. i don't know why, i just prefer the electric versions of songs more. and not only is this album unplugged, but also live, as in unpolished. unlike acoustic songs, i'm all for live versions...just after i've heard the recorded versions.
the beginning of Deeper sounds a little too much like I Wish That I Was There, which i find a little misleading. nevertheless, the lyrics are sweet. and, the fact that its an Isaac song is an added plus. having Isaac sing lead on a love song ups it a few notches on the "omg im melting" scale. its the smoothness of his voice, i tell you. perfect for singing lullabyes to you while you drift off into sleep. his kids are going to be mighty lucky one have such a sweet, dorky-hip teddy bear of a father.
um, sorry hanson, but we've been here all this where do you go when you're gone? huh? huh!?!
is that Isaac coming in on the first few lines of Misery? no, sir. that's Zac. the new, larger-than-life, lumberjack-esque, bad ass, i-can-drop-the-F-bomb-on-British-radio-whenever-i-damn-well-please-because-look-mom-i'm-a-fucking-rock-star Zac. his voice has shown major improvement (thank God). i was worried about him for a while there. granted, he still shows the least vocal versatility out of the three of them, but whats heard on this album is much much better than what's heard on TTA. god forgive me, but its the truth. i was so scared that underneath all of the scratching and layering and over-produced ebbs and flows of the last record would be Zac's voice, completely boring and utterly destroyed after feeling the wrath of adolescent puberty. so, yes, his voice thankfully sounds better...better than it ever did layered under all the extra nonsense that was on the last album. and his new hot haircut is an added plus. that's yet another thing i was worried about him. he was starting to look freakishly like an ugly version of claudia schiffer.
Best part of Misery: the loh da doh doh doooo's. nice touch.
i think i'm a little too much in love with the way Taylor sings "waking up this morning this can't be real" at the beginning of Underneath. his voice has gotten...better? if thats even possible? i always loved the gritty quality of his voice and the way he howled and crooned and adds little moan-y licks here and there. he uses just the right amount of sex in his singing without being too overt or over-killing it. he knows how to work it, that boy. such a little diva, he is. their harmonies are perfect now: taylor's raspy high tenor, isaac's smooth lower tenor, and zac's somewhere in between to balance the two out.
my only complaint about Underneath is that i think they break into the chorus a few lines too soon. but thats just me.
ok, why is Penny and Me going to be the single? WHY? i don't understand it. i mean, its an okay song, i guess, i just think the other songs have more "single potential" or whatever you call it.
Love Somebody To Know! Love Somebody To Know! oh, how i love it! no number of exclamation points cannot express how enthusiastic I am about this song! this is the Hanson I love! can't cant can't wait to hear this song live and in full electric version!
I nearly fell off my chair when i realized they were playing This Time Around as a hidden track at the end of the cd. the shocking part? how good it sounds acoustic! with bongos! whooda thunk it?
ok, so maybe i really do like the cd more than i thought i did. i guess i just needed to blog it all out before i noticed its greatness.
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
theres a hanson concert in two weeks. at carnegie hall. beautiful, glamourous, historic carnegie hall and i can't be there.
There is something distinctly lovely about hanson concerts, a feeling I cannot get enough of. but afterwards there is always that sort of sick empty sensation in the pit of your stomach. sort of like you ate entirely too much--of something fabulous, like double chocolate-raspberry cheesecake--and you know today its back to low-fat wheat thins, and nothing else, for a very long time. not that I have anything against low-fat wheat thins, because they make up about a third of my daily calorie intake. but you know what I mean. or maybe that was just a really bad metaphor.
i miss that rushed, euphoric feeling of being glazed in sweat and not caring, having your hair frizz up and not caring, feeling your voice go hoarse and not stop singing. i miss the exerted, spent, yet calm, feeling after a concert before the post-hanson depression kicks in. hell, i even miss the depression.
hanson's back, in some sort of way...touring and getting interviewed and making particularly horrid tv appearances on things like the tom green and sharon osbourne show. i think back to the old hanson days and at the things i did and it just all sounds so crazy. about how i watched their videos over and over and over again looking for the most minute differences. how i refused to wash my hands for a whole week after i had met them and shook their hands for the first time. how i'd buy four teenybopper magazines at a time. my life revolved around them so much i can remember my own mother screaming at me to find something else to do with my time. they're only a silly little band, anyway.
i think back to those days and i get so happy, and then i think of how in two weeks...i'll be my dorm room or stuck in a late-running chemistry lab...while a hanson concert is going on someplace where i would most likely be if i were home...and i get sad again.
btw, happy belated, zachary walker.
(omg im such a dork. someone please choke me.)
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
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